Sent out a Distress Call

I sent out a distress call and got a busy signal.  A do not call or text me until I contact you.  I know what this means.  It means my relationship is over and he has chosen to go in another direction.  It means my gamble this morning in trying to let him understanding how hurting I was backfired and he is running away.  I knew it was a risk but I felt so terrible, so in pain I felt I had to let him know.  And somewhat predictably between when I called and when he responded saying not to call or text him about an hour elapsed.  An hour that he probably called his brothers and was told by them to dump me and move on. So now I wait for the inevitable.  The good bye.  The “I can’t do this anymore. I don’t know how to make you happy so I’ll just leave’. All I wanted was to have you and her and be happy.  Why couldn’t you adjust to the new situation?  It is all your fault.  You are the reason we are breaking up.  Three weeks before our trip to Iceland.  Oh yeah just leave me with that mess too. Deja vu.

Never mind that I took off from work, rearranged my weekend plans so I could be there for you and take you to the surgical center and sign you out and take you home and take care of you.  Nope, once you were up and feeling better you picked up your plans and continued as if nothing has happened. And I had the gall to say ‘Excuse me poor taste to recover here and then speed home to keep the rest of your weekend plans.” Just throw it back in my face and make me feel like I was the one in the wrong.  It was perception. Which added to the birthday debacle and the  non-observance of our three year anniversary that yes made me feel like I was not important. Second class, pushed out.  That you can’t even see it is probably the worst part.

So I wait and my gut twists and my head pounds and I feel the dread of the losing the best thing that has happened to me is so long.  Not because I was greedy… the end because you were greedy.  And you wanted more more more. And exactly how was the new situation going to help and nurture our relationship?  Seems a bit of bait and switch to me.  You were happy she was happy, I was struggling.  And now I am the biggest loser.  Are you happy now?